Being ill does indeed suck large sweaty donkey balls... Ive had this cold/flu/chest infection thing for over a week now, my voice is finally coming back (yay, I can dj again :P) It has been utterly hellish, all ive wanted to do is rest and frankly, I havent had an opportunity, muchos stuff going on, none of which has been entirely pleasant... Oh well, it's all Murphy's law isnt it? Gotta love that Murphy bastard. Havent been in sl as much as all that, pretty much delegated the dj manager duties to the boys (I'm rather amazed Val and Sun managed to not burn the place down) but, as I'm getting better and things are calming down on the home front I'll be around more, to make my presence painfully aware. Another manager meeting coming up (yippee, they are amusing, we tend to talk shite in between getting things done) But a lot needs discussed, so it's for the best. Havent done much shopping either, picked up the new truth hairs <3 and Mir made me get the new loulou shirts, which ya'll shall see further down, theyre so cute, a variety of undershirts, mood bras kinda, pink, blue and grey, very cutes, I likey. Oh just thought of another reason ive been avoiding sl... lack of smoking, when i'm on sl I smoke more, I get frustrated, and when i can't smoke (like with said chest infection) I just turn mean. I have reasons for the two songs, Biffy Clyro are scottish and epic, annnd The Coral takes me back, I was 19 when it came out and heavy into partying, it was one of the few brit tunes i took to canada with me, and they lurved the lil chavvy indie darlinks :P In a nutshell, it makes me smile!
Word of the day: Clique (see translation 3)
Songs of the day(you get 2!): Biffy Clyro- Bubbles
The Coral- Dreaming of you
Look of the day:
Shape: home made
Skin:Laq Tess2 nougat (with cleavage)
Hair: *0 Style*Camille*(auburn)
Tattoo: GoK Dark Yakuza fem
Shirt:.:*LOULOU&CO*:. Top ::JELLY POP:: Black
Jeans: .:Relentless Couture:. Side Drop Paint Jeans (bought at black and blue fair)
Socks: {SMS} Knit Socks Black
Boots:Slink Beebee boots
Necklace: -.HoD.-Fallen-
Armwarmers: Tokushi Le'Strap Gloves dark
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