I have decided... Dun, dun, dun, I need a break from sl related stuffs. RL is hectic, and yanno, I just can't actually be bothered with the nonsense... I need some peace and tranquility, I don't have an eta for when i'll come back properly, if you catch me on chances are i'll be clearing messages. I miss being a noob to sl. I'm jaded and tired, to be fair I just don't care anymore. ive dropped all my regular dj gigs, but hope to stay on as a fill so if the feeling takes me I can spin for the masses and be my usual offensive self. But for now, so long and thanks for all the fish <3
ps. the above may come as a shock to some =p but if we're that close, you have me on skype, talk to me :D
The FabFree St. Patty’s Day Hunt is ON!
1 hour ago