May I just take a moment to say da fuq is up with Taylor Swift... When I was pulling my tune of the day up on youtube i got an ad for her latest song 'I knew you were trouble' Seriously, does that chick have normal relationships ever? Jebus... Anyways! Hai! All excited for Santa? I know I am heh, only 6 more sleeps, untz, untz, untz :P Yep, I'm a child when it starts getting this close... I like pressies, I enjoy seeing my nephews with their pressies, and getting shots of whatever daft toys they have, and much as I whine, I actually enjoy all the crazed panicky cooking I have to do on the day itself...Anywho's I spent a while meandering through the usual haunts and the unusal, perfect wardrobe and the Frost fair, defo worth a meander to on both counts, if not just for the UtopiaH and Sakide goodies ^.~ Oh, without mentioning names, I need to let ya'll know about a saddening experience, now I know designers leave SL all the time... But what irks me is when they leave their shit and no managers back up/profile comments to say theyve left... A well known designer whom ive shopped at for years has done a bunk and apparently I was the last to know, bought an item, and non delivery, their redelivery terminals of course don't work either... So you're left short changed and with no goodies, of course you get a come back if you buy on x street but not in sl, somehow I just don't think that seems fair... (And I am assuming theyve left the game based on the four unanswered notecards over the same number of weeks, what can I say, I'm needy!) Ahh well, shit happens, just woulda been nice to not waste the energy lol anywho's on with the piccies and stuffs! Have a great Christmas! Muah!! x
Obligatory Shaggy mention... Omnomnom, theyre all dead Dave... <3
Word Of the Day: Festive
Tune of the Day: Duran Duran - Ordinary World
Shape: Acacia by Fearful Symmetry
Skin: Glam Affair Amberly America 03
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Valerie - Flaming Cherry
Make-up: -UtopiaH- Frosty Face
Tattoo: -UtopiaH- My Cutie Snowflakes
Earrings: erratic / hoop earrings / silver
Bracelets: -UtopiaH- Frozen Winter Bracelets
Antlers: [ SAKIDE ] Long Christmas Antlers White
Lingerie: *BOOM* I Promise Candy Cane
Socks: Gawk! White Norwegian Knit Socks
Decor: All by {What Next}
Toodles! <3
The FabFree St. Patty’s Day Hunt is ON!
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