Ever do something incredibly stupid without thinking of the consequence? Something that means absolutely nothing to you could actually effect someone, even maybe hurt their feelings, though they'd never actually admit it to you :P Anyways, I did something a tad bit silly, and may have hurt someone I care about in the process, so I appologise, you know who you are...
Onto Fashion, while djing this morning at Sanctuary Rock I met one of the owners of Davinel (yay) Now I find it hard to like gothyesque kinda clothes, purely because i find the ones in sl pretty same, but I'm definitley an admirer of Davinel, it's goth but still sexy =p
The fact you can buy the gear on sl marketplace makes it even better, I am a totally lazy shopper... So long story short the exceptionally generous Vice Cale sent me a stunning pair of boots, which made me want to do a dark themed post... So here it is... My look of the day... Ta-Da!
Tune of the day : Hinder - By The way
Word of the day: Salacious (had to add this, im sick of the overly sexed folk ive had to work with :| )
Shape: My own
Skin: Laq mima peach (with cleavage)
neck stuffs: necklaces/collar : Hod nothings necklace, sinistyle sharktooth (v.old) redmint studded collar
shirt: Davinel -Ferocious- Slowworm Skinning Pullover
Hairbase: Deetalez shaved flowery blonde
Hair: Dollyrotten Girlhawk (tintable)
Nails: Mandala palette long
Stockings: League Side gartered black
Skirt: *it circus jerk black
Belt: Blitz legacy belt
Facial piercing: Pekka Crisis
Tattoo: para designs snakebite
Boots: Davinel- Ivana <33 thank you Vice!
Sim: No salvation
Closeups :o
and da smexy shoesies <3
What A Shame.(Freebies).
1 hour ago
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