Annnnd, we're back, I think I'm really going to have to start paying attention to you lot a bit more. My pc exploded a few weeks back, well, the motherboard fried, apparently ive been downloading too much porn (do'h) But, alas, I ended up ordering a new gaming monster pc, it's about time i caught up with the rest of the world, so you'll be noticing much improvement in lotd pics from now on. A lot's happened since I last posted, I've moved on, is the only way to say it really... I now dj for Club Zero radio :D Discovering my old passion for ebm, trance and industrial. The dj's at zero are incredible, I even fan girl over a few, and well anyone that knows me knows I don't fan girl. Ever. Well, maybe over myself, but dude, i'm awesome. On another note, I'm heavily involved with the creation of a new roleplay sim. The Fallen. I am admin and secretary extraordinaire. We are not open yet, but suffice to say things are coming along beautifully. Allrighty mon petite chou, let's get this show on the road. Look of the day time...
word of the day : Revelation
Tune of the day: Deadmau5 vs Melleefresh - Attention whore (original mix)
Look of the day:
Shape: Homemade by moi.
Skin: Mima by Laq
Eyes: Repulse living dead eyes: Dilated
Tat: Repulse: Sinner
Shirt and Pants : Boom My milkshake shirt: Cherry & Seaman pants: Black
Makeup: Grixdale : Caustic- Panther girl
Hair : Magika - Andarial (roots edition) **Hair Fair**
Collar: Redmint : Studded
What A Shame.(Freebies).
1 hour ago
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