Isnt it funny how in five minutes or so you can lose all respect for someone, with one action suddenly theyre demoted from a friend to "what a tosser" status. I remember now why I stopped trusting online "friends" Don't get me wrong, I loves most of the people I call friend, but maybe I need to rethink the lists, friends vs acquaintances. I'll explain my slightly emo mood... It was brought to my attention a very close friend was spreading rumours about me, when I approached them about it in a very underhanded way (I didnt let on I knew who was doing it) they had the flipping cheek to sympathise... Now that gets right on my tits. Own up for fucks sakes you two faced nobjockey. Anywho... Looking forward to the weekend?
Ive been on a bit of a shopping tangent the last couple of weeks. The hair fair! Those two little words that make my sl experience so much more thrilling. I have a rather large inventory, I am a massive skin and hair ho' I will admit to owning at least 300 skins (all awesome quality, i'm picky) and at least 2k hairs (I havent counted in quite a while) But alas, yes the fair, I wasnt dissapointed in the slightest, I have found some absolute treasures and will get pictures up soon. But for now, here's what my barbies wearing at the moment...
Word of the day: Malicious
Tune of the day: Florence & The Machine - Heavy in your arms ( the best part of the twilight movies)
Shape: Own
Skin: Laq Tess2 Nougat (cleavage enhancer also Laq)
Lashes: ***Chaisuki*** Lashes26
Cig: (NS) Cigg- White animation
Arm cuff: TART Arm cuff (black)
Tattoos: ::Para Designs:: Paisley Temptress Light
Boots: *ordinary* Acinonyx
Nails& Bangles: *X*plosion B.A.NGallant
Necklace: -.HoD.-Fallen-
Shirt: .:LeeL:. Bare Shoulder Black 3 (From modern love outfit)
Eyes: <<<np>> Lunar eyes (Large Ilis)
Hair: >Truth< Gigi - night (New release)
Ears: [ATOMIC] Mystic Elven Ear - Feather
Jeans: [Miseria] Bitter Jeans - Acid 1
And that's it for now, maybe next time i'll include slurls :P
/ran off
1 hour ago
Who can say anything bad about you? You're awesome!
:me: humps your leg furiously ;p
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