Special posty!! I have beautimus pictures for you all today courtesy of my collaboration buddy Ms.Jaded Lorefield from the awesome Fatally Stylish, not only is Jaded an awesome DJ, Blogger and photographer she is my bestie, my pew pew and I love her face. We decided a couple of days ago to do this post and I in my infinitely magnificent (and a little arrogant) opinion decided I wanted the subject matter to be the stunning new T dresses from Cynful available from TDRF, so we purchased them, got our pew pews out... (because to be fair, we haven't done a pic yet where we weren't wearing Tangos!) and Jaded snapped some hot ass piccies which you shall be seeing shortly!
Just watched The heat with Shaggy, funny as hell film, we were cracking up while watching, totally worth it!! Love Sandra Bullock! Now the piccies, amazing as they are because Jaded took them! So without further ado! Enjoy!
What Acacia is wearing:
Skin: essences - Wednesday II - Sunkissed
Hair: Liquence - F1 **NEW**
Dress: Cynful - T-Dress (grey lace) **TDRF**
Breasts: Lolas - Tango
Shoes: Redgrave - Helena
Tattoo: -UtopiaH- - Body of a Leopard & Tango Appliers
Collar: K_gs - Kitty Choker/Bell
Headband: Mes Sucreries - My Cat Ears - Spiked
Nails: Mstyle - Long Rounded Nails
Bracelets: MG - Bangles- Pitch
What Jaded is Wearing:
Skin: Belleza - Ava (tan / Red)
Hair: Wasabi Pills - Tanya **Fameshed**
Eyes: IKON - Ascension Eyes (oxidation)
Necklace: Yummy - Midsummer Blossom Necklace **C88**
Earrings: Yummy - Midsummer Blossom Earrings **C88**
Purse: Milk Motion - Owl Minaudiere clutch **C88**
Dress: Cynful - T-Dress (green lace) **TDRF**
Breasts: Lolas - Tango
Watch/Bracelet: Mandala - Sitennoah (white)
Shoes: Redgrave - Deborah
Nails: Shock - Catch Me Nails (almond series)
Lipgloss: Dead Apples - Lipgloss (lipgloss and pout)
Eyeliner: Pekka - Metallic Under Eye Liner Ver 2 (black)
Poses used:
Purple Poses - Friends 51
Purple Poses - Friends 52
GLITTERATI - She's a skank
1 hour ago
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