I am a huge Disney fan, so the 26 weeks of Disney challenge appealed to me greatly, but in saying that, out of all the Disney toons, I think Peter Pan is my least favourite. My biggest memory of the story however is the ballet I saw when I was 9 or 10, my company took us to see the Royal, and they were performing it... It was amazing and will stay with me forever. Was also the first time I saw them on stage, marvellous. Again I'm going to throw in a but, I wasn't a fan of the ending, so my post for this week, is purely how it should have ended. I mean I'm positive had it ended my way it wouldn't be a Disney film... But alas, it's all in fun... So enjoy...
Shape: Fearful Symmetry
Skin: Amberly 03 - America by Glam Affair
Hair: Josephine by Lelutka
Outfit: Ella in Green by League
Socks: Knee High Socks - Green by Amerie
Boots: Provence Riding Boots by { mon tissu }
Blood: Bloodbath by Repulse
Face Paint: Mystic Face Paint - White by .Pekka.
ttfn :D
What A Shame.(Freebies).
1 hour ago
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